Name: The magnus archivesType of media: Podcast
Gerne: Horror
Made/Written by: Rusty Quill and Jonny Sims
Sister Media: The Magnus Protocol

Personal rating:10/10
Favorite character: Overall i love Micheal Distortion. The utter ambiguity of their actions until the minute Jon is no longer useful to them, Sasha's statement introducing them, THE REVEAL OF HOW THEY BECAME AN AVATAR OF THE SPIRAL!!! It's all so good. If i Had to pick a lead person though, I do adore Jon and Martin.
Favorite Episodes and My thoughts (I Have a Lot Bare With Me)
(Click To View Summary!)
- The Piper (MAG 7): From what I remember of my first listen, this was the first episode that truely stuck with me. Sure, the first episode was a good hook and squirm literally made me want to vomit (I'm not easily made squirmish, so good job Jonny) but The Piper was the first episode that really started to show the scope of the incidents. This weird monsters and events are not a modern thing, and even more so, this episode made me start to realize that this was only the tip of the iceberg. And man, oh man was I right. Also the phrase "I met the War" sent chills down my spine, it's so good.
- A Father's Love (MAG 9): This episode has always stuck to me. I initially assumed it was due to the fact I found miss montauk's story so interesting but since relistening, I don't think that's the case. Instead I think it is a mix of a few key components. 1. This is the first episode in which someone close to the statement giver was harmed/impacted by their encounter. 2. This is all taken from the memories of a kid. So far all prior statments are from people who were adults at the time of their expriences, however Juila was only 7-10 at the time. Not only does she not understand what's happening from a "OH MY GOD THERE'S A MONSTER MADE OF LITERAL DARKNESS BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE WTF" perspective, if you were a kid who had run to you father for safety, only to find him huddled in a shed with a shit ton of hearts that are absolutely not his, you'd have difficulty processing and comprehending it too. And 3. I am a sucker for the emotional turmoil caused by a person the main character cares for does something incredibly and morally wrong in order to keep the main character safe. AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE VIEWING IT HOW YOUNG JULIA SAW IT OCCUR?! Also, Jonny, thank you for writing a murderer who kills to protect his daugther but not in the way most people do/real life examples where they kill someone similar to their daughter in order to keep them from killing her. This is such a unique take on the concept, and i feel it adds so much more complexity and intregue not only to the characters, but the story itself.
- Piecemeal (MAG 14):
- Confession (MAG 19) + Desecrated Host (MAG 20):
- Strange Music (MAG 24): Dude, I don't know what it is about this episode... but it genuinely one i always look forward to. Even though you don't really hear the music she describes playing, I can always hear it clear as day. There's just a strange beauty to this episode I can't quite put into words. Also silly little clown doll who rips off people's jaws, my beloved....
- A Distortion (MAG 26): YEAH SASHA MENTION!!!!!!!!! AND ALSO MICHEAL!!!! I love the archival staff bro... (I would has added martin's episode 22 cuz I love him but I don't like the worms so ehhhhhhh) I wish Sasha didn't get fucking obliterated in season one but it's fineeeeeeee, I guessssssss. Also I do love me a tall fucked up man with long curls and a special kind of wrongness.
- Cheating Death (MAG 29):
- Killing Floor (MAG 30):
- Hive (MAG 32):
- Anatomy Class (MAG 34)
- Taken Ill (MAG 36)
- Grifter's Bone (MAG 42)
- Trail Rations (MAG 58)
- Tale Of A Field Hospital (MAG 68)
- Police Lights (MAG 73)
- Fatigue (MAG 74)
- The Librarian (MAG 80)
- Drawing A Blank (MAG 83)
- Possessive (MAG 84)
- The Uncanny Valley (MAG 87)
- Contaminant (MAG 93)
- We All Ignore The Pit (MAG 97)
- I Guess You Had To Be There (MAG 100)
- Another Twist (MAG 101)
- Creature Feature (MAG)
- Family Business (MAG)
- Thrill Of The Chase (MAG)
- Taking Stock (MAG)
- The Masquerade (MAG 118)
- Stranger And Stranger (MAG 119)
- Web Development (MAG)
- Sculptor's Tool (MAG)
- Meat (MAG)
- The Puppeteer (MAG)
- Chosen (MAG)
- Scrutiny (MAG)
- Extented Surveilence (MAG)
- Concert Jungle (MAG)
- Love Bombing (MAG)
- Panopticon (MAG 158)
- The Last (MAG 159)
- The Eye Opens (MAG 160)
- The Turning Of The Gears (NONCANONICAL)
Favorite Entity: Bro, Although I am an avatar of the eye, I gotta say; The Stranger and the spiral gotta be my faves

Major character breakdowns
- Jon Sims:
- Martin Blackwood:
- Tim Stoker:
- Sasha James:
- Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus:
- Basira:
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner:
- Melanie King:
- Georgie Barker:
- Gertrude Robinson:
- Annabelle Cane:
- Gerard "Gerry" Keay:
- Jurgen Leitner:
My Review:
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